Do mobile servicing in installments, this is the first time in Bangladesh

Emi Available for Repair Service’s:

  1. Minimum servicing cost is 5000 Tk
  2. Display Replacement
  3. Battery Replacement

Following are the Terms & Conditions applicable on Easy Monthly Installment plan and are to be read along with the Credit Card Terms and Conditions:

  1.  Minimum purchase amount for each transaction should be BDT 10,000/- to avail an Easy Monthly Installment.
  2.  Easy Monthly Installment orders can only contain 1 (one) item. For avoidance of doubt, Easy Monthly Installment is applicable on individual product, not on total cart value.
  3.  You can checkout only if your credit limit is equal to or greater than the price of the product.
  4.  Only customers opting for Easy Monthly Installment on Repair Zone Service Center. Furthermore, Easy Monthly Installment is only available with Repair Zone’s Easy Monthly Installment Partners.
  5.  Easy Monthly Installment is available a tenure of 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.
  6.  The conversion of purchase to Easy Monthly Installments may take up to 7 (seven) working days.
  7.  Purchase on Repair Zone to be made at least 3 (three) working days before the next credit card statement is generated to ensure the transaction reflects in that statement. For example, your statement date is October 24, 2021, then, the purchase should be made before October 21, 2021.
  8.  If you make a purchase within the 3 days period as mentioned in the paragraph no. 3 or after the statement date, then, the transaction will reflect in the next month’s statement.
  9. The Bank providing Easy Month Installment service is not acting as corporate agent/distributor of third party products/services and shall not be responsible in any manner to any person or to any claim.
  10.  The Bank providing service is not acting as corporate agent/distributor of third party products/services and shall not be responsible in any manner to any person or to any claim.
  11.  In case of order cancellations by Repair Zone, the installment plan will be cancelled and no pre-payment charges will apply.
  12.  Notwithstanding anything contained in this Terms and Conditions and Credit Card terms and conditions, Repair Zone reserves unconditional and unequivocal right to reject, refuse, delay, object to provide Easy Monthly Installment facility to any customer for any product, even after complying with the all the above-mentioned requirements, without citing or stating any reason.